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Follow me as I go through the up's and down's of being a stay at home mom and a Roughneck's wife. Being a Roughneck's wife while trying to raise two kids is sometimes difficult as I have to play both mom and dad half of the time, take care of the farm, and also run all the behind the scene stuff that goes into running a smooth running home, but one thing is for sure I wouldn't change anything !

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oh how I miss my energy

       Before I got pregnant I would wake up between 5am & 6 am and would be up till sometime between 11pm & 2am . I could go all day cleaning house, chasing after 2 kids, caring for all the horses, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, rabbits, hamsters, cats & dogs, Checking and mending fences, caring for the gardens ( we have 2) and all the other things that need done on a daily basis around here. I normally would only sit to eat a meal, or while doing paperwork, but I was lucky if that lasted a hour.
     Now that I am 7 weeks pregnant....... I have lost all my energy. I now wake whenever I can get my eyes to somehow peel open ( normally around 7 or 8) once I can get my morning sickness to let up enough that I can go out to the barn without having to stop and lay down in the middle of the field or puke my guts up, I go out and feed the animals, then come in and collapse on the couch for around 1 hour. Im lucky if I can complete any one task, and most days im lucky if I can even start a everyday task. I normally find myself ready for bed around noon but must keep my eyes till the second my hubby walks in the door, then I am out cold.

   I hate not having any energy, I am a clean freak and hate dirty dishes in the sink, unswept floors, and not being able to mop, dust and clean the bathrooms on a daily basis. I used to get my daily task list finished then head into town for some retail therapy, but now don't even have the energy to drive down the drive way and get the mail. Everyone keeps reassuring me my energy will reappear, and oh how I can't wait. By that time it will take months to catch up around here........

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