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Follow me as I go through the up's and down's of being a stay at home mom and a Roughneck's wife. Being a Roughneck's wife while trying to raise two kids is sometimes difficult as I have to play both mom and dad half of the time, take care of the farm, and also run all the behind the scene stuff that goes into running a smooth running home, but one thing is for sure I wouldn't change anything !

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's day

     Since today is Father's day I thought I would share some of my favorite memories so far of my hubby with our kiddo's.

   My first was when our son was born. When he was born my hubby was so nervous about holding him. After about 2 hours he finally said he was ready to hold him. I remember handing him our son, and watching him as he looked into our son's face. It was an amazing moment.

  My second is when our son was about 2 months old. I was getting up to take a shower and asked Joel if he would watch the baby. Joel was laying and bed and told me to lay the baby next to him. When I got out of the shower I found Wyatt and Joel curled up on the bed together in exactly the same sleeping position as the other, both sound asleep.

  My third, is when I had our daughter. We were still in the hospital and Joel and Autumn were laying on the bed side by side, he was talking to her looking she was looking right back at him. Watching the bond they already had and how his voice soothed her was incredicable.

   My forth has been all those weekends when all 3 of them have disappered, and I go walking out to the barn or shop and find all 3 of them either working in the garden, or putting together a tractor. Watching them follow around their daddy threw the garden, or Joel trying to put a tractor tranny back together while wyatt loosens all the bolts Joel has just tightened and Autumn takes a wrench to a tire, and watching Joel realize that all those bolts need to be tightened again and instead of getting upset he just shows Wyatt how to tighten them. He is incrediably patient !!!

   And my fifth even though its not my last as I have way to many favorite moments to list is, With all three pregnancies Joel has and is talking to the babies the whole time I am pregnant threw my belly. At night while in bed he would sit and talk to all of them for hours. He has just started this with this baby. He told me the other night it was his way of bonding with the babies since he isn't the one carrying them. When they were old enough for us to feel or see, I would feel them come closer to him as he began to talk, and react at times by kicking or moving around. Or the times when baby had been quiet all for a long time not moving at all and he would come home from work and as soon as they heard him talking  they would wake up and start kicking away. What was even more incrediable was when they were born and he would talk and they would immedietly begin looking for him . The bond he had already created with them even before they were born was AMAZING !!!

    My hubby truely is a amazing father, and I look forward to many more amazing moments with him as we raise our children together !!

       Happy Father's Day honey, You truely are the World's best father in my eyes !!! We all LOVE YOU !!

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